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Vaba Dating Site In Estonia

Vaba Dating Site In Estonia Rating: 7,0/10 3539 reviews

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International conference

The Future of Performing Arts: Theatre Expanded

Time: 22-23 May, 2017

Venue: Performing Arts Centre Vaba Lava (Telliskivi 60a/C1, Tallinn)

During the two days, participants from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Germany and the United States are tackling issues related to both institutional and organizational changes as well as artistic tendencies in the performing arts; future visions both for the society and the arts.

Rewatch the conference:


Monday, May 22nd

13.30-14.00 Registration of participants and coffee

14.00-14.10 Opening address by Kristiina Reidolv, The Manging Director of Vaba Lava

Session 1

Organisational and institutional changes in the performing arts: the changing nature of work and organisations in the 21st century

Moderator of the day Ott Karulin, the editor in chief of the cultural weekly “Sirp”, theatre critic and researcher

New Technologies in a Changing World:

14.10-14.40 Kristjan Lepik, visionary, start-up Teleport

14.40-15.10 The Theatre at the End of the Universe,Linnar Viik, visionary, Estonian IT College

Performing Arts Policy and State Funding in Estonia, Latvia and Finland:

15.10-15.40 Discussing theatre politics, Katre Väli, Theatre Advisor of the Ministry of Culture in Estonia

15.40-16.10 Funding and Action Scheme in Theatre Field of Latvia,Dace Vilsone, Deputy State Secretary for Cultural policy, Latvian Ministry of Culture

16.10-16.40 How to combine justice, quality, continuity, and change in the public funding of performing arts in Finland? – Scenarios for the future, Hanna Helavuori, Director of Theatre Info Finland (TINFO)

16.40-17.00 Coffee break

17.00-17.45Panel discussion: Kristjan Lepik, Linnar Viik, Katre Väli, Dace Vilsone, Hanna Helavuori and Zane Beinare (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Senior Desk Officer)

17.45-18.00 Winding up the first day of the conference

19.00-20.30 Distinguishing Marks by Chris Kondek and Christiane Kühl (Germany)

Premier of the Vaba Lava Curated Programme of the 2016/2017 season

Vaba Lava studio hall

The show was created during a series of workshops of artistic intervention of Theatre Expanded: performing arts and IT sector.

18.15 -19.00 Presentation of virtual reality technology by Janika Leoste & Co

19.00-20.30 Conference lounge: Therapy by Kristina-Maria Heinsalu and Doris Feldmann; showing of British science fiction television anthology series Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker).

20.30- … Conference reception, premier party In I Out and performances of short forms presented by creative platform Vaba Vorm: silent disco by DJ Kat Sun, VJ Aleksander Sprohgis, Jan Uuspõld, Minna-Triin Kohv and Kaspar Aus.

Tuesday, May 23rd

10.30-11.00 Registration of participants and coffee

Session 2

Artistic Intervention with Organisations

Moderator Inga Koppel, International Projects Manager of Vaba Lava

11.00-11.20 Inga Koppel (Vaba Lava) and Sandra Lapkovska (New Theatre Institute of Latvia) present the results of the 2-year Interreg project Theatre Expanded

11.20-12.05 Mapping the value canvas for artistic interventions in organisations, lecture and workshop by Anne Kallio, Susinno Ltd (Finland)

12.05-12.30 Latvian trainees in the project present artistic interventions in Riga

12.30-12.45 Estonian trainees present artistic interventions in Tallinn, Viktor Aspel and Piret Jaaks, creative platform Vaba Vorm (Flexible Form)

12.45-13.30 Playing Oneself As If Another – Acting and Directing Strategies as Practical Approaches in Person-centred Health Care, Victoria Brattström, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

13.30-14.30 Expanded Professionalism in Performing Arts: Artistic Interventions and Beyond – Principles of Practice,Kai Lehikoinen, University of the Arts, Helsinki (Finland)

14.30-15.15 Buffet-Lunch at conference site

Session 3

The overall trends affecting performing arts: implications about the future

Moderator Madli Pesti, theatre critic and researcher, University of Tartu and Drama School, curator of Vaba Lava

15.15-16.00 From Representational Theatre to Data-Theatre,Chris Kondek and Christiane Kühl, performance and video artists (Germany)

16.00-16.45 What about good old acting? New forms and developing possibilities make us ask once again: what is the essence of theatrical event? Starting to use new possibilities, we are certainly abandoning some old ones – what should we take, what should we leave behind? Tiit Ojasoo, director of the theatre NO99 (Estonia)

16.45-17.30 Working with documents – yesterday´s news as Source for dealing with today,Hans-Werner Kroesinger[1], director of documentary theatre (Germany)

17.30-18.00 Panel discussion: Hans-Werner Kroesinger, Tiit Ojasoo, Chris Kondek, Christiane Kühl

18.00-18.30 End of the conference and refreshments

19.00-20.30 Distinguishing Marks by Chris Kondek and Christiane Kühl (Germany)

Vaba Lava studio hall

20.30-21.15 Artists talk in the studio hall, moderator Thomas Frank (international curator of Vaba Lava)

20% discount online tickets from Piletilevi. Discount code: viiendik vähem


Conference is free of charge

RSVP to *protected email*

The conference is organized in the framework of Interreg Central Baltic project Theatre Expanded, which winds up a two-year producer training course taking place simultaneously at the Performing Arts Centre Vaba Lava and the New Theatre Institute of Latvia as well as the Vaba Lava international curated programme of the 2015/2017 seasons. The focus of the last two seasons was on German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The curators were Thomas Frank (Germany) and Madli Pesti (Estonia).

The project is funded by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia and the National Foundation of Civil Society (KÜSK).

Conference is also supported by the Goethe Institute (Hans-Werner Kroesinger) and the Finnish Institute in Estonia, Suomi 100 (Kai Lehikoinen).

[1] A guest performance Stolpersteine by the outstanding German director of the documentary theatre Hans-Werner Kroesinger takes place on 25 May 2017 in the Vaba Lava blackbox hall:

As a general rule of thumb, the best online dating sites in Belarus will be the same as the best online dating sites in Russia. Online dating in Belarus is pretty popular, and you have some pretty good sites to choose from. The sites I discuss below are those that will put you in the best position for success should you desire a girlfriend or boyfriend from Belarus.

Before I begin though, I have to advise you that speaking some Russian (speaking Russian is a HUGE advantage as many women don’t speak English) is a huge bonus. Also it goes without saying that you need to have good conversation skills and a tremendous work ethic. Nothing in life comes easy.

Your best success with online dating in Belarus will be in Minsk. In my research, I found that this city has the highest concentration of singles in the country looking for love.

One of the things I love about Belarus is the place is cheap in comparison to its neighbors. It also has a high ratio of women to men (Go get ’em tiger!). And while I prefer women from the Ukraine, you will find some stunners in Belarus without a doubt.

Should you decide to sign up for the online dating sites I recommend below, be sure to read member profiles carefully as you might come across a lot of fake profiles. Usually, I can spot these profiles pretty easily. A woman who has only one picture posted, is wearing a tight bikini and making an overly suggestive pose are usually clear signals to steer clear. Another clue of a pretender is a woman who has a poorly written profile. As I always say, the more boring the profile, the more boring the person in real life. This rule of thumb has almost never failed me.

Without further ado, here is the quick list of the top three dating sites in Belarus. I’ll go into more detail in my reviews below.

Belarusian Model – Leila Ismailava (source: Wikimedia Commons) is the best online dating site in Belarus, particularly for foreigners who don’t have a good handle on the Russian language. As is the case with pretty much all sites run by Cupid Media, it is amazing!

RussianCupid was known at one time as, but was acquired by Cupid Media Network and promptly given a makeover.

I was a long time member of one of the sister sites of,, while I was living in both Mauritius and South Africa as an expatriate. A search for women living in Minsk between 18 and 35 years old who have been active on the site within the last 3 months will turn up more than 1000 profiles.

It now has an elegantly designed website, in line with all the others owned and run by Cupid Media, along with some very nice features, which include excellent anti-spam technology, like ID verification for profiles. It also has audio/video chat, but just for Premium members. If you’re searching for love in Belarus, RussianCupid is the place to be.

Sign up Process

Signing up is fairly easy, just provide your name, your gender, email address, and set a password. You can also register using your Facebook account. Next you’ll be asked to write something about yourself, describing what you’re looking for in an ideal partner.

Once that’s done you’re free to look at profiles. From time to time, RussianCupid will want you to answer some more questions to add to your profile in order for you to continue whatever it was you were doing at the time.

How to Locate Potential Matches

Two options for finding a date or love match are available on the site: browsing the recommended matches that RussianCupid presents to you and creating a specific search all your own. The recommendations coming from RussianCupid are based on the actual criteria you choose when you signed up. If the recommendations the site gives you don’t have much appeal, you can go back and change your criteria anytime you want.

When you devise a search of your own making, you can be specific about things such as, level of education, location, and religion. You can also save your searches to look back on later, which is something I found very helpful because so many new members are joining every day. It’s hard to keep track otherwise.

How to Communicate with Other Members

You’ll find out pretty fast that you’ll need to upgrade to a paid membership on RussianCupid if you want to communicate with other members. Prior to that, when you’re still using the site for free, you do have a few options for communicating, but you’ll be restricted to just other free members.

Your choices are to: send interest, add as a Favorite, visit someone’s profile, and send a message that they can’t actually read. When any of these things are done, the other member will be notified, but at least one of you will need to upgrade to a paid membership to be allowed to speak to one anothe

Unique Site Features

One of the best things about RussianCupid is the detail in which the profiles go into. When fully filled out, there is quite a bit of depth to them. It does take a lot of time to thoroughly complete them, but it’s well worth the effort.

The detailed information in these profiles account for how on-target the recommended matches are that members receive on RussianCupid. There are so many things they ask you to share about yourself, including your interests and hobbies, answers about your personality, as well as CupidTags, which are customized keywords that describe the lifestyle you have as well as your personality. Using CustomTags, you have a starting point in determining your potential compatibility with someone else.

What is Included for Each Membership Level

  • Standard: Search for matches based on your preferences, send interest to any member, read messages from paying members
  • Gold: Communicate with all members, audio/video chat, Instant Messaging, ad-free browsing, anonymous browsing
  • Platinum: Higher ranking in searches, more profile space, extensive search features, message translating, VIP profile highlighting

If you speak Russian, then this is the site to go to find you a perfect match. is one of the biggest dating sites in the world with over 23 million members.

The website is well laid out despite the numerous features that it provides. Searching for a match is made easy with several different ways for members to connect.

While this site is catered to Russians, it is a decent option for Belarus.

Sign up Process

The sign-up process is easy. Simply link up to one of your existing accounts like Google, Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo. If you have a Vkontakte account, you can use that as well. Once your account has been processed, you are ready to start browsing. You will, however, need to verify your account by SMS to show up on the site’s database.

If you just want to look around to see if it is a site where you might find your soul mate, you can browse around, but you can’t do much until you are verified.

Of course, if signing up with one of your accounts seems weird, you can always sign up manually by adding your name, email and all the typical information before you begin browsing.

How to Locate Potential Matches

This site is set up similar to Craigslist when searching for a potential match. You can browse the profiles by categories in the form of personal ads, search by age, location, education, etc.

There are five different search categories, including Male seeking Male, Female seeking Female, Male seeking Female, etc. Each of these five categories contains four sub-categories depending on whether you are looking for a casual encounter, relationship or just someone to hang out with.

There is also the option of browsing through the most popular members and voting which one best suits your tastes. Those that you picked to “like” will receive an image of you. This is an excellent way to start to meet people and to see where the mutual attraction may lead.

How to Communicate with Other Members

There a few ways to chat with someone. This site allows you to send them special gifts or a simple text message. If though you don’t want to reach out to people and would rather they come to you, you can set up a personal ad and wait to see who bites.

To spice things up and make the site more interesting, there is always the Questions and Answer quizzes that you can take or set up for potential matches. The questions and themes vary, which makes creating one fun and unique. You could start one up with something crazy like “if you were an alien where would you come from and look like?” to “What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?”

From there you can narrow down the results of who takes your quizzes to gender, country and age.

Unique Site Features

The great thing about this site is the fact that if you are traveling in Belarus, you can find buddies to meet up with to experience the culture. There are several different categories for the “Travel Buddies” to go through based on your needs and where your destination lies. This is an excellent way to meet new people and see things you haven’t seen before.

What is Included in Each Membership Level

  • Standard – Create a profile, search for members, visit profiles
  • Premium – Advanced search options, highlighted profile in search results

Launched in 2005, is a dating site for Russian singles, but it is an option for Belarus as well. The site is mostly free for users, although it does offer a few Premium features.

I honestly have to say I was not impressed with the website at all nor any of the features it offers. It seems solid enough, but it’s just too basic for my tastes.

Sign up Process

Anyone can search through and browse profiles without even registering or signing up for a membership. However, if you want to view photos or reach out to members, you will be required to sign up.

The sign up process is as fairly straightforward: you fill in your email address, provide a password, your name, birthday, gender, location and describe what you’re using the site for, and you’re pretty much set. You can upload photos if you like, then click on the verification email, and now you’re permitted to look around.

You can take your time filling out the rest of your profile, things like what interests you have, the type of person you’d like to meet, and details about the type of life you lead. To become a fully active member, designated by “Live Status” on your profile, you must verify your profile via your Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte account or by phone.

Once this is done, your profile will pop up in searches, and you’re able to speak to other users with Live Status, update your journal, and comment on photos.

How to Locate Potential Matches

The features for locating possible matches on LovePlanet are quite basic really, with just two features for this, and no real matching system at all. You can filter basic searches by location, gender, age, site intent (romantic relationship, friendship/correspondence, sex and start a family) as well as new users, people near you or those online now.

An advanced search offers you 4 more options to narrow your search: common interests, plus you can choose 3 in a field of many options, including level of education, height, languages spoken, and income.

How to Communicate with Other Members

You can communicate with other members by Liking, sending a text message, sending a virtual gift, commenting on photos, and/or adding to Favorites. If both users are currently online, IM chat is also an option.

Over 50 Dating Site

One interesting chat option on is Anonymous Chats, in which you can choose a place anywhere in the world, see if there are any live chats in that area, and join the conversation if you like. These chats do not necessarily help you make a date or find a match, but it’s a way to “meet” people and a fun thing to do if you’re bored.

Unique Site Features

With every LovePlanet profile, there is a journal, but you can’t update your journal unless you’ve reached Live Status. These journals provide an unstructured opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings and basically express yourself as you see fit on the site.

What makes these journals unique is that others on the site are allowed to subscribe to them. Members are even allowed to search through and read the most recently updated journals as well as the most read journals, men’s and women’s.

The most-read journals sometimes have thousands of subscribers on the site reading them. They let members filter the journals by location as well as search through posts by certain tags, like About Life, Quotations, Humor and Zodiac sign.

What is Included in Each Membership Level

  • Free – Create a profile, search/browse/view profiles, limited communication
  • Premium – Ad-free browsing, unlimited communication, see who Likes you, invisible browsing, message filtering
  • Boost – Your profile is shown at the top of the screen for increased exposure

Online Dating Strategy:

  • A lot of what I learned while dating online was through trial and error, planting a lot of seeds in order to get success…learning what works and doesn’t work and refining my approach along the way. You might have your own online dating strategy, and that is cool, but if you don’t and need a starting point, go and buy my e-book, Online Dating Success: How to Find Love Anywhere in the World. In the book I go into detail about how to set up a profile, what I recommend writing for your initial and follow up messages, when to ask the woman/man you’re interested in to go offline for a date, and more.

Vaba Dating Site In Estonia 2020

Further Reading

Vaba Dating Site In Estonia Today

  • Worldwide Online Dating Site Reviews: Be sure to check out my country-by-country reviews of the best online dating sites in the world.

  • Worldwide Moving Guide: Everything you need to know in order to plan your move to 65+ countries around the world.

  • Worldwide Jobs Guide: If you are interested in working in this country, be sure to check out my posts on how to find jobs in this country and other countries around the world.

  • Worldwide Apartments Guide: If you are interested in renting an apartment in another country, take a look at my articles on how to find an apartment in various countries around the world.

Vaba Dating Site In Estonia Today accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the accuracy of the information contained on this site. Please read the Visitor Agreement and Disclaimer. If you think there is an error in the information, please bring it to our attention so that we can correct it. Also, some of the links above could be affiliate links, which means that I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) should you decide to click on the links and make a purchase. I recommend sites from time to time, not because I get a tiny commission if you click on the links and make a purchase, but because, I want you to focus on the places that will deliver you the most value and the best results. Good luck!