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Creating Dating Site In Wordpress

Creating Dating Site In Wordpress Rating: 9,0/10 18 reviews


Apr 25, 2019 Nevertheless, if you are thinking of starting a dating website, you should consider the best WordPress Dating Plugins that you can use to improve your dating site for the best results. Dating is a fancy term for relationships in modern society, and ‘Online Dating’ is its digital form. Nevertheless, if you are thinking of starting a dating website, you should consider the best WordPress Dating Plugins that you can use to improve your dating site for the best results. Dating is a fancy term for relationships in modern society, and ‘Online Dating’ is its digital form. To monetize your dating website, you’ll need a WordPress membership plugin. A membership plugin restricts access to content based on a membership level. You’ll surely need site-wide membership to begin. A site-wide membership restricts the entire site’s content to unsubscribed members. You could set-up a free or paid site-wide membership.

This WordPress plugin allows you to create a professional dating website with WordPress. It is simple to install and administer with numerous possibilities.

The features are as follows :

  • Login Required to access functionality ;
  • Home unconnected with overview of the latest registered members and tiny quick search ;
  • Private messaging between members ;
  • Extended and customizable profile (free composition, checkbox, date event…) ;
  • Advanced Search including in profile elements ;
  • Private Members chat with webcam ;
  • Sending smiles and contact requests ;
  • Reporting of non-compliant member profiles ;
  • Connecting with a FaceBook account ;
  • Rapid registration ;
  • Import photo from Facebook account ;
  • Sending regular emails to members in accordance with the quota server ;
  • Daily cleaning to maintain the level of performance ;
  • Low resource, optimized for shared web server ;
  • Unlimited number of members ;
  • Many adjustable parameters ;
  • Modularity to fit many projects ;
  • Adaptable templates based on W3.css framework and Font Awesome icons;
  • Multilingual ;
  • Easy administration with filtering members ;
  • Blacklist by email ;
  • IP Localization ;
  • Import/Export members in CSV with photos ;
  • Standalone, not depend on other services or other plugins ;
  • GDPR complience.

Kit Premium :

  • Sophisticated payment system for members with numerous settings, restrictions and promotions – Compatible with WooCommerce gateways ;
  • Settings & access defined by gender ;
  • Photos and/or Videos Private Gallery ;
  • Proximity search on map by geolocation ;
  • Search by profile elements ;
  • Search by Astrological affinity – Very powerful ;
  • Pictures moderation on image wall – Very useful ;
  • Blacklist – Registration restrictions by IP country and by email domain ;
  • Messages supervision for reported members – Very useful ;
  • Insert Google AdSense in different places to make money ;
  • Google AdWords conversion code for registration.


Rencontre is currently translated in :

  • English (main language)
  • French – thanks to me 🙂
  • Chinese – thanks to Lucien Huang
  • Czech – thanks to Libor and WP Translation Team
  • Danish – thanks to C-FR
  • Dutch – thanks to Martin Zaagman
  • German (front office) – thanks to Stefan Wolfarth
  • Hungarian – thanks to FunnelXpert
  • Italian – thanks to Gaelle Dozzi
  • Japanese – thanks to Rorylouis
  • Norvegian – thanks to Steffen Madsen
  • Portuguese – thanks to Patricio Fernandes
  • Russian – thanks to Vetal Soft
  • Spanish – thanks to Sanjay Gandhi
  • Swahili – thanks to Kenneth Longo Mlelwa
  • Swedish – thanks to WP Translation Team
  • Turkish – thanks to Cise Candarli

If you have translated the plugin in your language or want to, please let me know on Support page.


Install and Activate

  1. Unzip the downloaded rencontre zip file
  2. Upload the rencontre folder and its contents into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate Rencontre from Plugins page

Instructions for use

If you use the Twenty Seventeen theme (2017), you should watch this video.

Connect to the Dashboard in ADMIN.


In ‘Pages’, edit or create the page of your choice (Home ?). Add the shortcode [rencontre] in your page content.

Secundo (not required)

For visitors not connected, you can view thumbnails and small profile of the last registered members :

Add the shortcode [rencontre_libre] in your page content. You can add it next to the other one : [rencontre][rencontre_libre] or in another page.

See FAQ for differents options.


You need a WordPress Login/logout/Register link. Select one or more of these possibilities :

  1. In Appearance / Menus, in the Rencontre block, select ‘Log in’ and ‘Register’ and add to the menu. Save. If you don’t see the Rencontre block, check “screen options” at the top right.
  2. Add the Rencontre registration form Shortcode [rencontre_imgreg] in your page content. (see FAQ).
  3. Add the shortcode [rencontre_login] in your page content. Add also [rencontre_loginFB] to have the Facebook button.
  4. Use the WordPress default widget ‘Meta’.
  5. Install a specific plugin like baw-login-logout-menu.
  6. Use the widget from another plugin (BBPress has one).
  7. Add this small code in your header.php file (or other one…), next to the menu :
    <?php Rencontre::f_login(); ?>
    <?php Rencontre::f_login(‘fb’); ?>
    to have Facebook too.


In Dashboard :

  • In Rencontre / General, select the page where you installed the shortcode. Save.
  • In Settings / General, check the box ‘Anyone can register’ with role ‘Subscriber’. Save.
  • (not required) In Settings / Reading, check “a static page” and select “front-page” : the page with the shortcode. Save.


Register as a member (Admin is not a Rencontre member) : Click Register, add login and email.

If you are localhost, you can’t validate the email, but, in Admin panel / users, you can change the password of this new member.
Then, log in with this new login/password. Welcome to the dating part.

Wordpress dating site plugin

To facilitate the settings after installing, you can download and install via CSV (Rencontre/General) 20 test profiles with photo.
You are not allowed to use these pictures outside testing on your site.

A question ? Rencontre WordPress Support

More details in french here.


The plugin doen’t works

Rencontre is now reliable. Most errors that are reported in the support come from improper installation.

  • Do you have members ? (see Rencontre Members in Dashboard)
  • Are you connected as a member ? (Admin is not a member)
  • Did you follow the instructions PRIMO to QUINTO, para Installation ?
  • Are you on the right page ? (with the shortcode)

Before start a new topic in the support, try to find the origin of the error :

  • Clear the caches.
  • Change wp-config.php to have define('WP_DEBUG', true);.
  • Use Firebug.
  • Googlize your error.

There is no obligation of answer on the support.

I’m a newbie and I’m a real beginner with WordPress

Expect some difficulties. It’s a little more than plug and play. Do not wait for the support to do the job for you.

Useful plugins to work with Rencontre

  • WP GeoNames : Insert all or part of the global GeoNames database in your WordPress base – Suggest city to members.
  • Email Templates : Send beautiful emails with the WordPress Email Templates plugin.
  • Theme My Login : Creates a page to use in place of wp-login.php, using a page template from your theme.

Conditions to appear in un-logged homepage

  • Wait few days (or reset in admin) ;
  • Have a photo on my profile ;
  • Have an attention-catcher and an ad with more than 30 characters ;
  • Shortcode [rencontre_libre] on the right page or Rencontre::f_ficheLibre() is on the right template.

How to personalize style

Rencontre is now using W3.css framework.
You can add your custom css in your theme css file or directly in the dashboard.
To overwrite default css file, add #widgRenc (and space) at the beginning of every new line.
Sometimes you also have to add “!important” to overwrite W3CSS rules (see example below).

Example :

Example with Google font :

Chat and Webcam

  • Chat has only local memory (session). You cannot display the content of a conversation in the Admin side.
  • Webcam is not a real streaming but an emulation. The display is refreshed a bit more than every second.
  • There’s no sound with the webcam. Streaming is not possible on a simple shared hosting without third party.
  • HTTPS is mandatory in most case to use the webcam.
  • You can change the chat beep : Create two audio files named bip.mp3 and bip.ogg. Move them to /my_theme_folder/templates/.


Geolocation is used to set the GPS location of the user. It works with all devices but :

  • HTTPS is mandatory,
  • Firefox has sometime a bad setting in geo.wifi.uri (about:config),
  • The user must accept the request.

Geolocation is activated once per session, only on the account and registration pages.
Geolocation can be enable/disable in Rencontre General options.

By default, geolocation only give the distance between you and another user (xx km from my position).
With the Premium kit, Goelocation is needed to enable the proximity search with map result.


  • Facebook login : You need to create a Facebook application in your Facebook account. That will give you a ID. All details are in the Facebook documentation.
    Set this ID in the right field in Rencontre/ General / Connection .
    After that, you can use the shortcode [rencontre_loginFB] or the PHP code in your template Rencontre::f_login(‘fb’);
  • Framework for the Facebook Like button :

    <div id=”fb-root”></div>
    <script>(function(d, s, id) {var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=”//″;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document,’script’,’facebook-jssdk’));</script>
    <div class=”fb-like” data-href=”” data-layout=”button” data-action=”like” data-show-faces=”false” data-share=”true”></div>

Dating Websites

How to use unconnected search

For visitors not connected, you can add a tiny quick search form :

Method 1 : Shortcode : Add the shortcode [rencontre_search nb=6] in your page content. nb is the max result number.

Creating A Website Using Wordpress

Method 2 : PHP in your theme (best solution for integrator) :

How to use Rencontre Templates

Copy the files you have changed in your theme : /my_theme_folder/templates/. Don’t copy unchanged files.

How to set the plugin multilingual

Add little flags in the header of your theme. On click, you create cookie with the right language. Then, the site changes language (back and front office) :

How to customize translation

The best method is to use Poedit software to edit a rencontre-xx_YY.po file and create a file.
Then, put your po/mo files in wp-content/languages/plugins/ with the same name as the plugin (
You can also email us your best version so that we insert it in the plugin.

User role & user removed

All WordPress roles for the new Rencontre members are removed by this plugin to improve security and speed. That can be a conflict with other plugin.
The members without Rencontre account are automaticaly removed after two days if they can’t “edit_posts”.

If you want to keep users WP roles, you have just to check the option in the general tab.
Note that if you do this, user deletion (user himself or Admin) will only concern data in Rencontre. Account in WordPress will still exists.

User registration

Registration is divided in two part :

  • WP registration : email and login Form => clic the email => you are on WP.
  • Rencontre registration : phase one to four => you are in rencontre.

With the fast registration option :

  • WP registration : email and login Form => you are in rencontre with a limited status. You have 3 days to complete your account and validate your email to be unlimited.

ADMIN side :

  • Members : New user => he is in WP.
  • Rencontre / Members : Add new from WordPress => he is in Rencontre.

Dashboard Access – Moderator

The Administrator can access to all the Dashboard Rencontre menu.
A BBPress moderator (capability “bbp_moderator”) can access to the pages members and jail.

How to add profil search in search tab (like quick search)

This is a Premium option. The number of items that can be added is unlimited.

The automatic sending of emails

There are two various types of email :

  • Regular emails. They give the informations since the precedent regular email. They are sending every month (or 15 or 7 days). One serie during the maintenance hour and another serie the hour after.
  • Instant emails. They just give a instant information (contact request, message in box, smile). There is a sending per hour except during regular emails period. Only one email per person per hour.

What to include with WP-GeoNames

The default values are OK.
It’s better to limit the data size.

Available Shortcodes

  • [rencontre] : Display the plugin
  • [rencontre_libre] or [rencontre_libre gen=mix city=london] : Display the unconnected part (home page for example)
    • gen=mix : men & girl in same number (±5), gen=gay : only gay, gen=girl : only girl, gen=men : only men, gen=mycustomgender (a custom gender you have created)
    • country=fr : only members from France (fr)
    • region=aquitaine : only members from Aquitaine
    • city=paris : only members from Paris
    • redirect= : Redirection URL when click on profile
  • [rencontre_nbmembre] or [rencontre_nbmembre gen=girl ph=1] : Display the number of user
    • gen=girl or gen=men
    • ph=1 : only with photo
  • [rencontre_search nb=8 day=365] : Display a search form for unconnected member (home page for example)
    • nb: number of results
    • day: age of last connection
  • [rencontre_login] : link to login/logout/register
  • [rencontre_loginFB] : Display the button to log with Facebook
  • [rencontre_imgreg title= selector= left= top=] – Display registration form (See screenshots for example)
    • title=’Register to …’
    • selector=’.site-header .wp-custom-header img’ (jQuery selector of the image where you want to display the form – See Screenshots)
    • left=20 (Left position in purcentage of the parent container size). From 0 to 99. To set less than 10%, write 0 first (ex : 5% => 05)
    • top=10 (Top position in purcentage of the parent container size)
    • login=1 (login form). Empty => (registration form)

Available Filters

  • rencWidget – return bool : Rencontre can be used as widget
  • rencInitHook : Executed after init and before Rencontre
  • rencImgSize – args array() – return args array() : Change default profile images size. var_dump args in your filter to get the right format.
  • rencImgFullSize – args array(w,h) – return Width and Height for the big img (img src on server, displayed in popup) – default : array(1280,960)
  • rencUserDel – arg : $id : Executed when user is deleted (himself or admin)
  • rencUserDelMailContent – args array() – return args array() : title, content (user and admin deletion) and moderation item (admin deletion only) for the user deletion email
  • rencNumbers – args array() – return args array() : change default numbers (number of portrait in featured box, in online box, in new entrant, in summary email, number of letter in search result Ad …) and options. var_dump args in your filter to get the right format.
  • rencLabels – args array() – return args array() : change the name of URL variables such as “renc”, “account”. Available name : ‘renc’,’rencfastreg’,’rencoo’,’rencii’,’rencidfm’,’id’,’card’,’edit’,’msg’,’account’,’gsearch’,’liste’,’qsearch’,’write’,’sourire’,’demcont’,’signale’,’bloque’,’favoriAdd’,’favoriDel’,’sex’,’zsex’,’z2sex’,’homo’,’ageMin’,’ageMax’,’tailleMin’,’tailleMax’,’poidsMin’,’poidsMax’,’mot’,’pseudo’,’pagine’,’pays’,’region’,’ville’,’relation’,’profilQS’,’line’,’photo’,’profil’,’astro’,’gps’,’km’,’fin’,’paswd’.
  • rencTemplateDir – args array() – return args array() : change templates directory.
  • rencFicheLibre – shortcode args array(), HTML output – return HTML output : Add content to the Rencontre unconnected home page (fiche libre). Ex : css file…
  • rencColor – args array() – return args array() : Add colors to $w3renc list – See “inc/rencontre_color.php”
  • rencNoFontawesome – remove Font Awesome css file if filter exists (no need function, only filter).
  • rencJsLang – args $lang array() – return $lang – Add or change values in rencontre/lang/rencontre-js-lang.php.


I had to tinker for a week to set everything up, but it works, I like it. Thanks a lot to the author!

Building a Dating Website on WordPress. Image Credit: Photl

Creating Dating Site In Wordpress Free

“1 out of 5 relationships start online”

It’s written in bold letters when you visit You can’t miss it. The point to be noted is not as much about the tagline, as it is about the statistics. The fact ‘1 out of 5 relationships begin online’ can be leveraged by others to create similar online dating services.

Recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Do you know what happens when a dating website turns 20? It becomes.. popular?.. busy?… rich?… Well, all of that- but most importantly it becomes mature.

There is a lot you can learn from websites like or eHarmony. They’ve mastered a lot over the years and have added features based on research and user feedback. All you have to do now, is use their experience as inputs for your dating website on WordPress.

How to Create a Dating Website on WordPress

Tinder Dating Site

Dating websites are primarily membership based social networking websites.

Sounds complicated?

I’ll explain.

A dating website could be compared to Facebook (a social networking website). You have the same elements- user profiles, private messaging, likes, advanced search, and the like. An additional feature you’d have to add is paid membership. With paid membership you can charge users a fee for additional services.

So, a similar website on WordPress would have to be a combination of two major plugins- a social networking plugin and a membership plugin.

I’m not saying you wouldn’t need any other plugin. But these two would be the most important. To give you a fair view of the features which would be a part of a dating website, I have created a list.

This list contains a breakdown of elements on a dating website and the WordPress plugins you’d need to provide each feature.

Let’s explore.

#1 Paid Membership

To monetize your dating website, you’ll need a WordPress membership plugin. A membership plugin restricts access to content based on a membership level. You’ll surely need site-wide membership to begin.

A site-wide membership restricts the entire site’s content to unsubscribed members. You could set-up a free or paid site-wide membership. But a piece of advice here, would be to set u free site-wide membership- to lure in members. And you could then charge members for special services. (Do make sure that you add a ‘Rules & Regulations’ on the membership page to restrict member age group to 18+).

Any WordPress membership plugin you choose would provide you tiered membership, but a plugin I would recommend is Paid Membership Pro.

Paid Membership Pro and its add-ons are free (with paid support), it’s easy to use, provides great documentation and integrates easily with WooCommerce.

Read: WordPress Membership Plugin Review: Paid Membership Pro

#2 Member Profile Creation

Profiles are a very important element on a dating website. WordPress by default creates a profile for every user. So you’re sorted there. But you’ll need to add custom profiles, to allow members to add additional information.

For example, by default the name, email id, username are a part of the WordPress user profile. But for fields such as ‘Likes’, ‘Dislikes’, ‘Hobbies’– which are expected on a dating website, you’ll have to use a plugin to extend user profile fields.

You’ll need this member profile to be part of a social network, and a plugin which will allow for that, is BuddyPress.

#3 Private Messaging

With BuddyPress you’ll have private messaging as well. BuddyPress provides a private inbox for each member, using which members can exchange private messages using the username, and avoiding the need of an email id.

The Chat plugin by WPMU DEV can be used to add a live chat functionality on your WordPress dating website, and works seamlessly with BuddyPress. The chat status notification is added in a member’s friend list, to give them a visual notification of member availability.

#4 Private Calling provides a MatchPhone service for premium members. It’s a pretty cool service. Once members subscribe for the service, they can text or call each other anonymously, using phone numbers generated by the website.

Now, I know there isn’t a WordPress plugin which helps you do this, but I’m sure there are several qualified WordPress developers which can help you create this functionality if you need it on your dating website. And here’s a hint, if you’re planning on using the BuddyPress plugin, you’ll need to search for a BuddyPress expert.

#5 Advanced Search

When it comes to dating, the process begins with finding the right person. And for that, your dating website needs a solid search functionality. The default WordPress search functionality certainly won’t do. What you need is an advanced search functionalitywhich works with your social networking plugin, or one which uses the extra profile fields to filter members.

Ideally the search plugin should allow members to filter fellow member profiles using tags, or keywords. Optionally there could be specific fields using which a member could filter data, such as location, age group and so on.


The search functionality should not just be able to list members based on a exact keyword match, but should also be able to suggest member profiles based on a similar match.

Read: An Advanced Profile Search Functionality for BuddyPress

#6 Premium Matchmaking Service

Now, your entire website is in fact a matchmaking service. But a premium matchmaking service would involve dealing with an individual client’s need. This service would include the use of an elaborate form to input a member’s desired candidate profile, with weighted parameters to narrow down an ideal match.

To create the form you’ll need a form builder plugin like Gravity Forms. Based on the fields you include in your form, and the weights provided, a custom algorithm would need to be built for your dating website.

Your Thoughts

Well, those were the most important features that you’d certainly have to provide on a dating website like It goes without saying your website would need to be responsive, and a social sign-up and login option could be a great addition too.

If you’re looking for additional features over and above the ones I’ve stated, I’d like to hear them. So do make sure to leave your thoughts and comments in the comment section below! 🙂